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Take A Look Into quantumrock’s Vaults

Delve into the world of gemstones and get a behind-the-scenes look at Rough Gemstone I and II´s stunning gems, including Emerald, Alexandrite, Paraíba Tourmaline, and Aquamarine. Whether you’re a seasoned gemstone enthusiast or someone taking their first steps into this fascinating world, join us for a journey into the heart of quantumrock’s vault in our video.

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Larger Investors Are Welcome To Assess the Gemstones In Our Vaults


Alexandrite is a fascinating and rare gemstone that is most renowned for its remarkable colour-changing properties, dubbed by afficionados as “emerald by day, ruby by night”. It is a variety of chrysoberyl and displays a striking chromatic shift from green in daylight to red in incandescent light, due to the complex interplay of chromium ions within the crystal structure. This unique characteristic has made alexandrite one of the most prized stones among collectors and gem enthusiasts.

The gemstone was first discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in the 1830s and is named after Alexander II of Russia. The original Russian deposits have largely been depleted, but other sources have been found in Brazil, Sri Lanka, East Africa, and other locations. However, fine quality alexandrite remains quite rare and valuable.

Alexandrite has a hardness of 8.5 on the Mohs scale, making it quite durable and suitable for all types of jewellery. It is also the birthstone for the month of June, alongside pearl and moonstone, and is often associated with good fortune and intelligence.

The value of alexandrite is determined by its colour change, clarity, cut, and carat weight. The most sought-after stones are those that show a vivid green to bluish-green in daylight or fluorescent light and an intense red to purplish-red under incandescent light. The clearer and more pronounced the colour change, the more valuable the stone. Due to its rarity, especially in larger sizes, alexandrite can be more expensive than diamonds.

The lore surrounding alexandrite is as fascinating as its physical properties. This gemstone, discovered in Russia in the early 19th century, quickly became enveloped in myth and legend, largely due to its remarkable colour-changing ability and the timing of its discovery.

One of the most popular tales about alexandrite is tied to its name. It is said to have been discovered on the birthday of the future Tsar Alexander II of Russia, and was named in his honour. The gemstone’s colours—green in daylight and red in artificial light—mirrored the national military colours of imperial Russia, which added to its mystique and appeal among Russian nobility.

Alexandrite was associated with luck, good fortune, and love. Its ability to change colour was believed to be a good omen and a sign of positive change or transformation in the life of the wearer. It was thought to bring balance between the physical manifest world and the unmanifest spiritual or astral world, promoting harmony and creativity.

In metaphysical beliefs, alexandrite is said to strengthen intuition, aid creativity, and inspire the imagination. It is also believed to bring joy and encourage the wearer to strive for excellence, reinforcing the idea that life is about both learning and changing. The stone’s changing colour is said to symbolize the dynamic nature of human existence and the constant presence of change. It is also thought to foster self-esteem and the ability to experience joy and beauty.

Despite the mystical lore surrounding alexandrite, much of its appeal undoubtedly comes from its unique physical characteristics and rarity, which have made it a prized possession for gem collectors and enthusiasts worldwide. The stories and beliefs add layers of meaning to the gemstone, making it not just a piece of jewellery but a symbol of hope, change, and the beauty of life’s continuous unfolding.


Emerald, with its lush green colours, has been cherished throughout the ages. This precious gemstone, a variety of the mineral beryl, owes its vibrant hue to traces of chromium and sometimes vanadium. Its colour, ranging from light to deep green, has made it a coveted treasure across civilizations, from the ancient Egyptians and Romans to the Incas and Aztecs, who revered it for its beauty and supposed mystical powers.

The most prized emeralds hail from Colombia, known for producing stones with a rich, vivid green unmatched by those from any other location. Other significant sources include Brazil, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, each offering emeralds with unique shades and characteristics. Emeralds are typically included, which gives them a distinct “jardin” or garden appearance, making each stone uniquely beautiful but also requiring careful handling to maintain their integrity.

Emeralds, while durable, rank between 7.5 and 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making them susceptible to scratches and chipping. They often contain inclusions and surface-reaching fractures that are filled with oil or resin to improve their appearance. This treatment, while common, means that emeralds require careful handling to avoid damage.

The value of an emerald is primarily determined by its colour, with the most desirable stones showcasing a vibrant, saturated green that balances brightness and depth. Clarity, cut, and carat weight also play crucial roles in determining its worth, with larger and well-cut stones being particularly rare and valuable.

Emeralds have fascinated humanity for millennia, not just for their mesmerizing beauty but also for the rich lore and symbolism associated with them. This vibrant green gemstone has been woven into the tapestry of cultures and civilizations across the world, each attributing its own set of mystical properties and meanings to the emerald.

In ancient Egypt, emeralds were revered as symbols of eternal life and were often buried with monarchs as a token of protection for their journey into the afterlife. Cleopatra, the famous Egyptian queen, was known for her passion for emeralds, and she used them in her royal regalia, claiming ownership of all emerald mines in Egypt during her reign.

The lore surrounding emeralds stretches beyond Egypt. The ancient Greeks associated the gemstone with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, suggesting that emeralds could bring passion, bliss, and unconditional love to those who wore them. This connection underscores the stone’s enduring association with romance and allure.

In South America, the Incas and Aztecs held emeralds in high esteem, considering them holy gemstones. They were used in religious ceremonies and as offerings to the gods, demonstrating the deep spiritual significance attributed to emeralds in these cultures.

Throughout the Middle Ages, emeralds were believed to possess various magical properties. They were thought to grant the wearer the ability to foresee the future, protect against evil spells, and cure diseases. Emeralds were often worn by monarchs and leaders as talismans to ward off potential threats and to symbolize wisdom and power.

One of the most enduring beliefs about emeralds is their supposed ability to soothe the eyes. It was said that gazing into the cool green colour of an emerald could refresh and restore one’s vision, a belief that led to the practice of placing emeralds on the eyes of those who were fatigued or had strained their sight.


In modern times, emeralds continue to be associated with insight, growth, and renewal, reflecting the gemstone’s lush green colour that so vividly represents the vitality of nature. Thus representing spring, Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May. They are believed to promote emotional well-being, enhance intuition, and encourage harmony and growth in relationships.

The lore surrounding emeralds is a rich tapestry of myth, magic, and mystery, spanning across centuries and cultures. This gemstone’s enduring allure lies not only in its physical beauty but also in the myriad of stories and beliefs that have celebrated its virtues, making emeralds a timeless symbol of life, love, and rebirth.


Aquamarine is a variety of precious beryl, the mineral group that also includes emerald. Its name comes from the Latin words “aqua marina,” which mean “water of the sea,” referring to its stunning sea-blue hues. Aquamarine’s colour ranges from the lightest blue to deeper blue-green tones, depending on the iron content within the crystal structure. It is known for its clarity and transparency, often cut into faceted shapes to enhance its brilliance and colour.

This gemstone is found in various locations around the world, with major sources including Brazil, Madagascar, Russia, Pakistan, and the United States. Aquamarine is relatively durable, rating 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it suitable for various types of jewellery. It can be treated by heat to enhance its blue colour, a common practice in the gemstone industry. Its serene colour and clarity are highly prized among collectors and jewellery enthusiasts, making aquamarine a popular choice for rings, earrings, necklaces, and other adornments.

The cut of the aquamarine is instrumental in showcasing the gem’s beauty, with expertly cut stones enhancing the display of colour and brilliance, thereby increasing the gemstone’s appeal and value. Larger aquamarines, while more readily available than in some other gemstones, still command higher prices as their size increases, especially if they maintain high colour quality and clarity.

Aquamarine derives its value, like other gemstones, from a combination of factors including colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight, each contributing uniquely to its allure and worth. The most coveted aquamarines boast a deep, vibrant blue or blue-green hue, free from green or grey overtones. Clarity plays a crucial role as well; aquamarines are often appreciated for their exceptional transparency, with stones that appear eye-clean, meaning without visible inclusions, being particularly prized.

Historically, aquamarine was believed to possess a multitude of mystical and healing properties. Sailors of old revered the gem as a talisman to ensure safe passage across stormy seas, invoking the protection of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. It was thought to calm waves and keep sailors safe from harm. Beyond its protective virtues at sea, aquamarine was also cherished by ancient healers who attributed to it the ability to cure heart, liver, and stomach diseases, which they believed could be remedied by its soothing and cleansing properties.

In various cultures, aquamarine was considered a stone of courage and happiness, capable of bringing peace to its wearer and aiding in the resolution of conflicts. It was also thought to enhance the happiness of marriages. The lore suggests that aquamarine embodies the purity of crystalline waters, and the joy and relaxation associated with the sea, promoting feelings of tranquillity, serenity, and clarity in those who wear or carry it.

The lore of aquamarine is rich with tales of magic and mysticism. It was once believed that the gem could induce psychic abilities and make its wearer invisible, a trait highly prized during times of conflict or danger.

Furthermore, in the Middle Ages, aquamarine was considered a powerful oracle crystal, offering insights into the future—a practice deeply intertwined with the gem’s perceived ability to bring clarity and foresight.


Paraíba Tourmaline

Paraíba Tourmaline is a highly sought-after gemstone known for its unique and vivid colours, ranging from intense blue to green. Discovered in the 1980s in the Brazilian state of Paraíba, from which it gets its name, this gemstone quickly gained popularity and value due to its rarity and the striking neon-like quality of its colours. These vibrant hues are primarily due to the presence of copper and manganese in the stones, which are elements not typically found in other types of tourmalines.

The unique glow of Paraíba Tourmalines, often described as “electric” or “neon,” is unmatched by any other gemstone, making them a distinctive choice for high-end jewellery pieces. However, similar copper-bearing tourmalines have since been discovered in other parts of the world, including Nigeria and Mozambique, expanding the availability of these gems but not quite matching the intense colours of those from the original Brazilian source.

Paraíba Tourmalines are highly prized by collectors and jewellery enthusiasts alike. Due to their rarity, the price of these gemstones can be very high, especially for larger stones with intense colours and high clarity.

The original mines in Paraíba, Brazil, where these gemstones were first found, are said to be nearly depleted, making the original Paraíba Tourmalines extremely rare and valuable.

The lore of Paraíba Tourmaline, unlike the ancient tales that surround many precious gemstones, begins in the late 20th century with its remarkable discovery in the Brazilian state of Paraíba. This gemstone quickly became enveloped in mystique, not just because of its neon-bright hues that were unlike anything seen before in the world of gemstones, but also due to the intriguing story of determination that led to its unearthing. The discovery by Heitor Dimas Barbosa, a miner who spent years digging in the hills on a hunch that something extraordinary lay hidden, reads like a modern-day treasure hunt, complete with the perseverance and belief in the unseen that ultimately led to finding these neon treasures.

Paraíba Tourmaline’s extreme rarity and unique properties, attributed to the presence of copper, have since spawned tales of competition, secrecy, and astronomical values, rivalling traditional precious stones. These narratives have only been amplified by the stone’s scarcity and the intense colours that seem to glow from within, creating a sense of allure and desirability that transcends its physical beauty.

The lore around Paraíba Tourmaline is also enriched by the attributed metaphysical properties, despite its relatively recent history. Believed to stimulate the “throat chakra” and enhance communication, it’s said to carry energies that support emotional healing and creativity, making it a stone not just of physical but also spiritual significance.

With the discovery of similar copper-bearing tourmalines in Africa, the lore and debate around what constitutes a true Paraíba Tourmaline expanded, blending geography, gemmology, and market dynamics into its narrative. This debate has added depth 


to the stone’s story, reflecting broader themes of authenticity, value, and the impact of names and places in the world of precious stones.

Today, the Paraíba phenomenon captivates both the gemstone community and those who encounter its mesmerizing colours, embodying not just a modern legend in the world of gemstones but also the enduring human fascination with beauty, rarity, and the stories that stones can tell.

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